Bricked as in it’s actual meaning of “it’s fundamentally broken and can only be replaced”? Or bricked in the incorrect sense that it works slightly less good?
They installed the BETA branch of steam os and are expecting a flawless experience.
They are complaining about a bug causing the deck to boot loop on verifying install. This can be fixed by simply plugging in an ethernet cord Or reinstalling steam os stable.
This can be fixed by simply plugging in an ethernet cord Or reinstalling steam os stable.
I figured as much.
Happened in the prod release too, but carry on.
Has no bearing on my point. If you can fix it, it wasn’t “bricked” in any sense.
Your run of the mill user cannot fix it, therefore it is bricked in the eyes of the general consumer. You could actually fix the red ring of death for Xbox 360’s too, so history kind of invalidates your points as well.
It really doesn’t. Really, you could just say “broken” and be fine, but your insistence on absurd hyperbole is just making any point you’re trying to make forgettable noise.
You immediately dismissed it and acted like you knew what you were talking about like an ass despite offering nothing of actual substance to the topic.
When you act like the sky is falling over every little thing, you can’t expect people to treat you seriously.