Real question. I would like to know what drives you to hate Apple? (In terms of privacy of course because in terms of price it’s another story).

      173 months ago

      This, Apple is very anti consumer and you have no freedom to use their devices how you want, only how apple wants.

  • They pioneered modern day planned obsolescence, they also popularised unrepairable electronics. They try to block or bastardise any right to repair bills. They force chip distributors to not sell chips they use so their products can’t be repaired. They make building applications for Mac at scale a huge pain in the ass and extremely expensive, the solution I recently built wastes insane amounts of power because of the way Apple licenses their stuff. Overall it’s a shitty company who fucks poor people in developing nations, fucks the environment and fucks it’s customers. I don’t care how well it may or may not work, fuck Apple.

    Also OSX ui is shit and annoying.

  • /home/pineapplelover
    83 months ago
    • Right to repair and own

    • They own decryption keys

    • Can’t use without an account so you can’t deGoogle or deApple them

    53 months ago

    Price is indeed part of it. If I’m paying that much I’m getting repairable and upgradable hardware.

    I also hate their walled garden approach to everything. You can do X so long as apple has decided to allow you to do X. Things like no sideloading, no repair/upgradability, etc. I love Framework for instance and would like to see more stuff like it in the future.

    And before you ask, yes I hate the other companies that do it too, they don’t get a pass but we’re talking apple right now.

    As far as privacy goes, they’re better than windows imo but not by much and it’s only because windows is so bad, they still harvest your data but they target the ads instead of selling the data so others can target the ads. That is “better.” I guess. I still prefer linux which doesn’t even want your data (except anonymized bug reports if you opt in).

    223 months ago

    Why not Apple devices?

    iPhone does not allow you to have privacy due to its blackbox nature, and is simply a false marketing assurance by Apple to you. Recently, an unpatchable hardware flaw was discovered in Apple’s T1 and T2 “security” chips, rendering Apple devices critically vulnerable.

    Also, they recently dropped plan for encrypting iCloud backups after FBI complained. They also collect and sell data quite a lot. Siri still records conversations 9 months after Apple promised not to do it. Apple Mail app is vulnerable, yet Apple stays in denial.

    Also, Apple sells certificates to third-party developers that allow them to track users, The San Ferdandino shooter publicity stunt was completely fraudulent, and Louis Rossmann dismantled Apple’s PR stunt “repair program”.

    Apple gave the FBI access to the iCloud account of a protester accused of setting police cars on fire.

    Apple’s authorised repair leaked a customer’s sex tape during iPhone repair. This is how much they respect your privacy. You want to know how much more they respect your privacy? Apple’s Big Sur(veillance) fiasco seemed not enough, it seems. Still not enough to make your eyes pop wide open?

    Apple’s CSAM mandatory scanning of your local storage is a fiasco that will echo forever. This blog article should be of help. But they lied how their system was never hacked. I doubt. They even removed CSAM protection references off of their website for some reason.

    Pretty sure atleast the most coveted privacy innovation of App Tracking protection with one button tracking denial would work, right? Pure. Privacy. Theater.

    Surely this benevolent company blocked and destroyed Facebook and Google’s ad network ecosystem by blocking all those bad trackers and ads. Sigh. Nope. Now it is just Apple having monopoly over your monetised data.

    Also, Android’s open source nature is starting to pay off in the long run. Apple 0-day exploits are far cheaper to do than Android.

    3 months ago

    When I was going through college I had to work as a Microsoft salesperson in the largest commercial shop of my country. Basically I had to sell Windows laptops and ensure every purchase had a Microsoft office attached.

    My stand was right next to Apple’s and I had a lot of Apple fan boys tease me saying how superior Apple hardware was, how fast and secure everything is. I felt that by having no experience with Apple devices I was not doing my work properly, I couldn’t personally disprove their experiences and opinions with my own. I ended up buying a 13 inch MacBook pro for 1300 euros, I believe. Since I worked at the shop they gave me a considerable discount, I’m unsure what the actual retail price was but certainly at least 1800 euros.

    I felt robbed, to be honest. Using an Unix like system was nice, I always loved posix shells. Everything else was honesty a terrible experience. Why the hell do I need xcode to do anything? Why does git depend on xcode? Why is xcode no longer available for my machine directly from the store? Why is the store sooooo damn slow? Why am I forced to use Safari’s garbage engine, regardless of the browser I choose?

    I understand the appeal of having an entire ecosystem of devices that play nice together but MacOS was the only operative system I tried that would actually get on the way of doing work for me personally. For 1300 euros I could have gotten a beast windows laptop at the time, with a nice dedicated GPU instead of that Intel integrated garbage card that can barely play a YouTube video without full speed fans.

    A couple of months ago I ended up installing EndeavourOS on this MacBook and it honestly brought this laptop back to life. So much faster and I can finally go back to installing up to date browsers! I have full Java stack running on an up to date intellij IDE and it works nice. A little slow, sure, but fast enough to get work done on emergencies. No more eternal spinning wheel loops.

    Hate is a very strong word, I don’t hate Apple. I just would not buy or recommend anyone to buy any of their products. They’re pretty, tho!

    3 months ago

    I hate apple so much.
    I really hate Iphones.

    Iphone, Iphone,
    I fucking hate it
    I hate it so much
    I want to beat it wtih a stick

    It’s such a slow-ass,
    buggy piece of shit,
    and everyone who works for Apple
    can suck my fucking dick

    I want to punch it in the face
    and shoot it in the head
    and run it over with a steamroller
    over and over, until it’s fucking dead

    I’m going to dig up Steve Jobs
    and Piss on his bones
    Because fuck him and everyone
    with their stupid fucking Iphones.

    3 months ago

    Seeing as no-one’s answering the question in terms of privacy (although I agree with their sentiment)

    Trust. You have to trust that they will respect your privacy. They actually talk a good game, are probably superior in privacy to the average android (but not GrapheneOS or Linux) in so much as they fend off other entities trying to hoover your data, mostly so they have exclusive access (at least to metadata, actual data may currently even be secure but that can change and possession is nine tenths and all that). At the end of the day, they’re a greedy mega-corporation and cannot be trusted if they need to keep that line going up this quarter. I much prefer transparent systems that keep me in control and possession of my data.

    I like their hardware, excellent build quality (shame about long term support and e-waste though). Will probably pick up a cheap M1 Air once Asahi linux stabilises.

    • 𝙱𝚎𝚝𝚊𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝OP
      63 months ago

      Yes, thank you for answering the privacy issue. To be honest, I use Apple products but not so much iCloud. I’m in the Proton ecosystem and I’m waiting for Firefox to become less terrible than it currently is, otherwise in the meantime I’m using Safari with AdGuard…

    3 months ago

    I just hate being told what (not) to do. If there is a solution to the problem, fucking let me solve it. I don’t need anyone’s permission or be told to deal with it just like every other schmuck.

    I feel like my intelligence is being personally insulted. Any company deciding that I shouldn’t try to repair my phone, which is my property, because they believe I am too retarded to fix it, can suck a dick.

    243 months ago

    Same reason I don’t like sony. They’re too busy telling the people who buy the fucking products what they’re allowed to do with them, and spend the rest of the time creating proprietary shit that traps their customers.

    Hardware is great. Everything else is pretty much an abusive spouse.

    • Possibly linux
      23 months ago

      The hardware is locked down and proprietary. I wouldn’t call it great.

        33 months ago

        The hardware quality, seeing as I already spoke upon the programming and philosophy. Sorry, thought that was clear.

  • edric
    253 months ago

    On mobile, forcing browsers to only be designed as re-skins of Safari. I would like an actual Firefox mobile browser that you can use uBO with. Right now Orion can do that somewhat, but it’s not polished.

      43 months ago

      I really enjoy Apple products, but this is my biggest peeve. It’s not like I cannot manage without a different browser—certainly about half of americans primarily use Safari—but the flexibility and customization of Firefox or chromium would be very welcome.

        23 months ago

        Yehhh it’s interesting reading this thread but I’m on my still-super-fast five or six year old iPhone and my biggest complaint is I would LOVE to have an actual version of my beloved Firefox with plugins and whatnot. Firefox Focus works fine but it’s still WebKit. Safari works great with Wipr, vinegar, and baking soda but it’s no Firefox with ublock.

          23 months ago

          I use Adguard, vinegar and baking soda, but wasn’t aware of Wipr. I might give it a try as a replacement for Adguard. Glad you mentioned it.

            23 months ago

            It’s not perfect, but I do appreciate it when I’m away from my PiHole! It’s also hella cheap, which I appreciate. I should check out AdGuard too!

    103 months ago

    Always found their adverts rubbed me the wrong way, the technology as fashion thing. I also considered them the best brand on the planet for how successful their marketing was. Just not for me.

  • Jin
    33 months ago
    • Closed ecosystem ( like side loading apps, hardware locked/issues, privacy settings like VPN, browser etc are limited).

    Very Pro China, gives away people’s privacy in China and are pro censorship, so they don’t lose their precious supplier.

    Just gonna add a few here, that’s related to privacy & censorship

    Apple removes Hong Kong protest app, Quartz news app following Chinese criticism

    Apple’s Compromises in China: 5 Takeaways

    Apple limited a crucial AirDrop function in China just weeks before protests

    Apple has stored the data of thousands of customers on Chinese servers and censored apps

    Apple made secret 5-year $275B deal with Chinese government